Karaja indigenous people craftwork Brazil Lt0138.jpg

Koites ( gourd rattles ), in Portuguese known as maracas, musical instruments made to be played at Karaja indigenous people celebrations. Ilha do Bananal ( Bananal island ), Mid-west Brazil.
Lena Trindade / BrazilPhotos 16 Sep 2014 3641x2462 / 5.1MB
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aboriginal, aborigine, Amazon rain forest, Amazon rainforest, art, artisan, artist, Bananal Island, Brazil, color, communities, community, craft, craftmanship, craftwork, cultural, cultural tradition, cultural traditions, culture, decoration, gourd, gourd rattle, gourd rattles, gourds, horizontal, Ilha do Bananal, indian, Indian settlement, Indian settlements, indians, indigenous, indigenous peoples, indigenous person, Karaja, Karajá, koite, koites, koité, koités, maraca, maracas, maracá, maracás, minorities, minority, music, musical, musical instrument, musical instruments, native, natives, people, person, persons, rattle, rattles, South America, South American, South Americans, tradition, traditions, tropical, tropical rainforest