
Casa do Caminho ( Path-way House ). City: Araxá; State: Minas Gerais; Brazil. Day Hospital gives medical and hospital assistance to patients suffering from mental illness, and supports their re-integration back into their families and society. Feeble-minded patient attends dancing class.
J. R. Ripper / BrazilPhotos 21 Jan 2004 600x386 / 73.5KB
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African American, African-American, Afro American, Afro-American, Araxa, Araxá, Brazil, Casa do Caminho, Minas Gerais, Path-way House, South America, South American, aid, assistance, daily life, dancer, dancing, dark-skinned person, disease, diversion, entertainment, half-breed, half-breed person, happiness, happy, mental disabled person, mental illness, mental impaired person, mulata, mulato, multi-ethnic person, multi-ethnicity, multi-gender, pathology, patient, social problem, teacher, teaching