Horned Sungem Brazil bird_Lt0636.jpg
![The Horned Sungem (Heliactin bilophus) is a South American hummingbird, the only species, (monotypic), of the genus Heliactin at caatinga ecosystem in Northeastern Brazil. The scientific name bilophus is sometimes considered a nomen oblitum, which, if accepted, results in Heliactin cornutus being the correct name for this species. A wingbeat is one complete up-and-down movement, which means that the horned sungem moves its wing muscles at a rate of more than 10,000 times per minute.[citation needed] It occurs in Bolivia, Brazil, and Suriname. It prefers fairly dry open or semi-open habitats, such as savanna and Cerrado. It avoids dense humid forest. Brazilian name: chifre-de-ouro.](https://m.psecn.photoshelter.com/img-get/I0000I5ORFj5icYk/s/880/880/Horned-Sungem-Brazil-bird-Lt0636.jpg)

The Horned Sungem (Heliactin bilophus) is a South American hummingbird, the only species, (monotypic), of the genus Heliactin at caatinga ecosystem in Northeastern Brazil. The scientific name bilophus is sometimes considered a nomen oblitum, which, if accepted, results in Heliactin cornutus being the correct name for this species. A wingbeat is one complete up-and-down movement, which means that the horned sungem moves its wing muscles at a rate of more than 10,000 times per minute.[citation needed] It occurs in Bolivia, Brazil, and Suriname. It prefers fairly dry open or semi-open habitats, such as savanna and Cerrado. It avoids dense humid forest. Brazilian name: chifre-de-ouro.
Lena Trindade / BrazilPhotos 18 Dec 2013 2357x1779 / 2.2MB