Amazon deforestation road rb0880.jpg

Amazon rainforest clearance for agriculture, near Santarem - deforestation for the agribusiness - economic development creating ecological unbalance. Opening of a road where before there was a forest.
Ricardo Beliel / BrazilPhotos 19 Oct 2014 3504x2336 / 8.5MB
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wood, tree farming, timbering, timber, South America, rainforest clearance, rain forest clearance, nature, lumbering, lumber, logs, logging, log, Latin America, felling trees, fallen trees, fallen tree, environmentalism, environmental issues, environmental issue, environmental degradation, environment, ecosystem, ecology, ecological unbalance, ecological disturbs, ecological disturb, devastation, deforestation, dead trees, dead tree, cutting logs, cutting log, Climate Change, clearance, Brazilian Amazon, Brazil, Brasil, Amazon rainforest, Amazon rain forest, trees, tree, plants, deciduous, Brazil nut trees, Brazil nut tree, Brazil nut, aerial view, view from above