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Bom Jesus da Lapa miracles rs0273.jpg
Salao dos Milagres ( Miracles Hall ) at Santuario do Bom Jesus da Lapa ( Capela da Gruta da Lapa ), a chapel inside Gruta do Bom Jesus ( Bom Jesus Grotto ) - the grotto houses objects left by pilgrims whose prayers and faith were answered - pilgrimage to Bom Jesus da Lapa, Bahia State, northeast Brazil - the city is home to the third largest Catholic festival in Brazil, known as the Romaria of Bom Jesus ( Romaria means "Procession" or "Pilgrimage") drawing as many as 800,000 visitors or "Romeiros" to the city annually - for this reason, the city is known as "Capital Baiana da Fé" (The Bahian Capital of Faith).