
Folkloric group of cangaceiros - Cangaço is the name given to a form of "social bandity" in northeastern Brazil in late 19th and early 20th centuries - this region of Brazil is known for its aridness and hardships, and in a form of reaction against the domination of the land owners, the government and the European colonizers, many men and women decided to become nomadic bandits, roaming the sertões, seeking money, food, and revenge. Paulo Afonso, Bahia State, Brazil.
Ricardo Beliel / BrazilPhotos 26 Nov 2015 3504x2336 / 2.4MB
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Brasil, Brazil, Catholicism, Folklore, Jesus, Latin America, South America, body, brave, cangaceiro, cangaço, cangaco, catholic, clothing, costume, cross, crucifix, cultural tradition, culture, face, faith, fashion, hat, male, man, masculine, men, people, person, portrait, religion, religious, religious objects, spiritual, style, bandit, adornment