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Porto Maravilha Rio de Janeiro_afr0074.jpg
Teenager plays with his bicycle at Pier Maua in the new Porto Maravilha area - Marvelous Port program -  massive development program at Rio de Janeiro port and surrouding area for the 2016 Summer Olympics. The Porto Maravilha project includes the reconstruction of 700 kilometres (430 miles) of urban infrastructure (water, sewage, drainage), the construction of 17 kilometres (11 miles) of bike paths and the demolition of the Elevado do Perimetral, an elevated highway connecting downtown Rio to the city’s south side. The plans also include a 30-kilometre (18.6-mile) light rail system linking the region to the subway, ferries and bus stations.The project covers seven neighborhoods spread out over five million square meters (1.9 million square miles): Centro, Santo Cristo, Boa Saude, Gamboa, Sao Cristovao, Cidade Nova and Caju envisages the development of the region based on the principles of sustainability, with the restructuring of streets, squares and avenues, bringing improved quality of life for current and future residents.