Beach vendor Rio de Janeiro_24rf00011.jpg

Matte Leao seller in Arpoador beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Matte Leao is a very popular Brazilian tea brand since the 1950s - now owned by The Coca-Cola Company - the home-made iced tea is sold by street vendors in drums at the Rio de Janeiro beaches.
Ricardo Funari 4 Feb 2024 6240x4160 / 17.4MB
Afro-Brazilian, Arpoador, Arpoador beach, Brasil, Brazil, Latin America, Lion Mate, Mate Leao, Mate Leão, Matte Leao, Matte Leão, Morro Dois Irmaos, Morro Dois Irmãos, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro State, Rio de Janeiro city, Rio de Janeiro lifestyle, South America, Two Brothers Mountain, ambulante, beach culture, beach seller, beach vendor, beverage, black man, black men, black people, black person, blacks, carioca lifestyle, carioca´s lifestyle, cold tea, daily life, drink, ice tea, iced tea, laborer, labourer, lifestyle, mate, mobile vendor, mountain, mountains, people, people of color, person, person of color, street seller, street vendor, street worker, sub-employment, subemployment, unregistered work, unregistered worker, vendedor ambulante, work, worker, workers, working, young, young adulthood, young man, young men, youth, youthful