Samauma Amazon deforestation ecde0406.jpg

Loggers cut down a samauma tree ( Ceiba pentandra ), also known as mafumeira tree. The indigenous people of the Amazon consider it the "mother of trees", its tubular roots are also called sapopembas, which at certain times burst, irrigating the entire area around it. It is known as the "Tree of Life" or the "stairway to heaven", its beautiful and majestic diameter, together with the sapopembas (roots), often form true compartments, transformed into homes by indigenous people and caboclos. Its height, size and beauty stand out in the immensity of the Amazon flora.
Ricardo Funari / BrazilPhotos 16 Nov 2014 5321x3491 / 7.7MB
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Acre, Acre State, Amazon, Amazon forest, Amazon rain forest, Amazon rainforest, Amazonia, Brasil, Brazil, Ceiba pentandra, Latin America, North Brazil, North Region, North Region of Brazil, South America, blue collar worker, blue-collar worker, blue-collar workers, chain saw, chain saws, chainsaw, chainsaws, crime, cut down tree, cut down trees, deforestation, environment, environmental crime, environmental issue, environmental issues, environmetal, fallen tree, fallen trees, falling tree, falling trees, felled tree, felled trees, forest clearance, forest clearing, illegal, illegal logging, illegality, illegally, imposing, labor, laborer, log, logger, loggers, logging, logs, logs of wood, lumberjack, lumberjacks, mafumeira, majestic, natural resources depletion, nature, occupation, occupations, physical work, resource depletion, root, roots, samauma, sapopemba, saw, saws, sumptuous, tree, tree cutting, tree trunk, trees, tropical tree, trunk, wood, wood cutter, wood cutting, wood industry, woodcutter, woodcutting, work, worker, workers, working