Árvore da Preguiça Ceara_LT0692.jpg

Conocarpus erectus, commonly called buttonwood or button mangrove, a species of mangrove shrub in the family Combretaceae that grows on shorelines in tropical and subtropical regions around the world - this one, located in the municipality of Cruz, in Praia do Preá (Prea beach), about 12 km from famous Jericoacoara, is popular known as “Árvore da Preguiça” ( Laziness tree or Lounge tree ), because its roots have been shaped by the region's strong winds, it gives the impression of lounging to one side. Ceara State, Brazil.
Lena Trindade 17 Jun 2022 4928x3264 / 2.9MB
Brasil, Brazil, Ceara, Ceara State, Conocarpus erectus, Cruz, Cruz municipality, Jericoacoara, Latin America, Laziness tree, Lounge tree, Northeast Region, Northeast Region of Brazil, Notheast Brazil, Praia do Prea, Prea beach, South America, arched, arvore da preguica, beach, bent, button mangrove, buttonwood, cloudy, coast, curve, curved, day, daylight, daytime, flora, mangrove shrub, natural phenomena, nature, place of interest, places of interest, plant, plants, root, roots, seashore, shore, shoreline, sunny, sunny and cloudy day, tourism, tourism destinarion, tourism destinations, tourist attraction, tourist attractions, tourist destination, tourist destinations, travel, travel destination, travel destinations, tree, tree roots, trees, tropical, tropical zone, tropics, vegetation, wind, windy