Environmemtal crime Amazon RB0175.jpg

Operation of The Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment's administrative arm, with support of the Brazilian Army. IBAMA works to keep the forest from loggers, farming, agricultural farm grazing and anything that would threaten the Amazon. Timber rafting, method of transporting felled tree trunks by tying them together to make rafts, which are then pulled downriver – it a a kind of log driving, the moving of tree trunks from forest to sawmill downstream using the current of the river, logging, Amazon rainforest deforestation, Brazil.
Ricardo Beliel / BrazilPhotos 11 Aug 2008 5271x3453 / 3.0MB
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weapon, rifle, Brazilian flag; anti-deforestation operation; anti-deforestation action; combating deforestation; Amazon; Amazon forest; Amazon rain forest; Amazon rainforest; Amazonia; Army; Brasil; Brazil; Brazilian Armed Forces; Brazilian Army; Brazilian Government; Forcas Armadas Brasileiras; Latin America; Military personnel; Ministerio da Defesa; Ministry of Defence; Mixed-race Brazilian; North Brazil; North Region; North Region of Brazil; South America; armed forces; caboclo; crime; cut down tree; cut down trees; deforestation; devastate; devastation; economic activities; economic activitity; economy; environment; environmental crime; environmental degradation; environmental issue; environmental issues; environmetal; fallen tree; fallen trees; falling tree; falling trees; felled logs; felled timber; felled tree; felled tree trunks; felled trees; float; floating; forest clearance; forest clearing; freshwater; government; illegal; illegal logging; illegality; illegally; log; log driving; log floating; logging; logs; logs of wood; man; men; mestico; military; military forces; military service member; mixed Indigenous Brazilian and European ancestry; mixed race; mixed-race people; move; moving; multiracial people; natural resources depletion; natural resources extraction; pardo; people; person; ravage; ravaging; resource depletion; resource extraction; resources extraction; river; river transport; river transportation; soldier; soldiers; timber driving; timber floating; timber rafting; transport; transportation; tree cutting; tree trunk; tropical; tropical zone; tropics; trunk; water; water transport; water transportation; watercourse; wood; wood industry; work; worker; workers; working