Charcoal worker portrait_prca0315.jpg

Production of vegetal charcoal to be used as fuel to produce pig iron - the intermediate product of smelting iron ore – increases Cerrado biome deforestation - Mato Grosso do Sul State, Mid-west Brazil. Modern steel mills and direct-reduction iron plants transfer the molten iron to a ladle for immediate use in the steel making furnaces.
Ricardo Funari / BrazilPhotos 15 Oct 2018 3595x2421 / 3.7MB
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Brazil, EQUIPMENT-OBJECTS, Latin America, Mato Grosso do Sul, South America, Third World, appliances, burning, business, charcoal, charcoal worker, coal, deforestation, degradation, degrading work, dirt, dirty, ecological disturb, ecological disturbs, ecological umbalance, ecology, environment, environmental, environmental degradation, environmental impact, environmental issue, environmental issues, environmental umbalance, exploitation, flatware, fork, fuel, global warming, hard work, hot, household objects, human rights, human rights violation, kiln, kitchen objects, labor, labour, male, man, masculine, men, oven, people, person, pig iron, poor, poor people, portrait, poverty, production, smoke, social issues, social problem, style, tough, unhealthy, unhealthy work, vegetal charcoal, work, worker, worker portrait, working, working class