Lecythis pisonis sapucaia_LT0728.jpg

Lecythis pisonis, the cream nut or monkey pot, a tropical tree known in its native tropical America as sapucaia or castanha-de-sapucaia - it is a large, deciduous, dome shaped-tree with a dense leafy crown, grows to a height of about 30 metres (98 ft) in the rainforest in north and eastern tropical America particularly in Brazil.
Lena Trindade / BrazilPhotos 21 Sep 2021 6000x3027 / 1.4MB
Amazon, Amazon biome, Amazon forest, Amazon rain forest, Amazon rainforest, Amazonia, Brasil, Brazil, Brazilian biome, Brazilian biomes, Latin America, Lecythis pisonis, South America, biome, biomes, castanha de sapucaia, castanha-de-sapucaia, cream nut, crown, dense forest, flora, forest, landscape, monkey pot, natural landscape, nature, old-growth forest, plant, plants, primary forest, sapucaia, scene, scenery, scenic, tree, tree crown, trees, tropical, tropical forest, tropical zone, tropics, vegetation, view