
Mechanized agriculture, sugarcane cutting for production of ethanol and sugar. Pradopolis city region, in the Ribeirao Preto region, the world greatest productive pole of ethanol and sugar. Sao Paulo State, Brazil. May 2008, biofuel.
Ricardo Funari / BrazilPhotos 8 May 2008 4368x2912 / 5.4MB
Brasil, Brazil, Latin America, Ribeirao Preto, South America, Third World, agri business, agri-business, agribusiness, agricultural, agriculture, alcohol, alcohol and sugar mill, alcohol plant, alcohol production, bio - fuel, bio fuel, bio-fuel, biofuel, brazilian alcohol, brazilian alcohol production, brazilian etanol, brazilian ethanol, brazilian sugar, brazilian sugar production, cultivation, etanol, etanol production, ethanol, ethanol plant, ethanol production, farming, machine, machinery, mechanization, mechanization of agriculture, mechanized, mechanized agriculture, mechanized sugarcane cutting, mono - culture, mono culture, mono-culture, monoculture, plantation, production, sugar, sugar cane plantation, sugar mill, sugar plant, sugar production, sugarcane, sugarcane plantation, tractor