Deforestation babacu_09rf00099.jpg

Babacu tree burning, deforestation for family farming - small landowner - at Itamatatiua Quilombo in Alcantara, Maranhao State, Northeast Brazil. A quilombo is a Brazilian hinterland settlement founded by people of African origin. Most of the inhabitants of quilombos were escaped former slaves and, in some cases, a minority of marginalised non-slave Brazilians that faced oppression during colonization.
Ricardo Funari / BrazilPhotos 12 Oct 2009 4368x2912 / 3.3MB
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Alcantara, Alcântara, Attalea speciosa, Babacu, Babaçu, Brasil, Brazil, Cusi, Latin America, Maranhao, Maranhão, Orbignya martiana, Orbignya phalerata, Orbygnia speciosa, South America, babacú, babassu, babaçú, burn, burning, clearance, deforestation, dusk, ecological disturb, ecological disturbs, ecological umbalance, environment, environmental, environmental degradation, environmental impact, environmental issue, environmental issues, environmental umbalance, fire, firebushfire, flame, forest burn, forest burning, forest clearance, forest fire, hot, male, man, masculine, men, people, person, quilombo, twilight