High biodiversity Amazon_rb1166.jpg

High biodiversity of plant species, preserved Amazon rainforest near Belem, Para State, Brazil.
Ricardo Beliel 18 Mar 2023 4200x2800 / 15.0MB
Amazon, Amazon biome, Amazon forest, Amazon rain forest, Amazon rainforest, Amazonia, Belem, Belém, Brasil, Brazil, Brazilian biome, Brazilian biomes, Latin America, North Brazil, North Region, North Region of Brazil, Para, Para State, Pará, South America, biodiversity, biological diversity, biome, biomes, conservation, conserve, conserved, conserved forest, environment, environmetal, flora, foliage, forest, green, green foliage, greenery, high biodiversity, intact, intact forest, landscape, leaf, leafage, leaves, natural landscape, nature, no one, no people, nobody, original state, plant, plants, preservation, preserved forest, protected, protected forest, scene, scenery, scenic, tree, trees, tropical, tropical forest, tropical zone, tropics, vegetation, view