Slash and burn agriculture_19rf00015.jpg

Slash and burn agriculture used on small farms for the production of vegetables - recently burned land on background and various plantations in foreground. Teresopolis, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.
Ricardo Funari / BrazilPhotos 30 Sep 2019 4288x2848 / 11.2MB
shifting cultivation, shifting agriculture, slash and burn, farming, agricultural, agriculture, deforested, de forestation, afforested, afforestation, de forested, deforestation, environment, mountain, mount, mountains, teresopolis, rio de janeiro, south america, brazil, non urban, rural, country side, countryside, rustic, pastoral, rural scene, rural living, rural scenes, rural life, vegetable plant, vegetable, vegetable plants, plant, plants, small farm, small farms, land management, burns, burn, burning, burned land, burned soil, vegetables plantation, vegetables plantations, contrasts, contrast, contrasting